All stars in Kollywood made a beeline to watch A.R Murgadoss's Ghajani which has taken a gargantuan opening worldwide. In Chennai it has taken the best ever opening for a Hindi film.
Most of the top stars have seen the film at private shows or at multiplexes. Most of them have loved the film though a few of them say that the Tamil version is better. They say there was more chemistry between Surya and Asin than between Aamir and Asin. But all are unanimous that the Hindi version had more grandeur and the climax was awesome compared to the original.
Meanwhile everybody has been praising Asin's look and performance in the Hindi version. Asin's mobile has been ringing non-stop, and most of the calls were from Chennai. Surya was one of the first people to call her up and congratulate her profusely for her performance in the film. he told her “you are better in Hindi with a lot of improvisation”. Priyadarshan, the top director of Bollywood who saw the film at his Four Frames preview theatre along with Surya said: " Asin is fabulous, she can act and has been beautifully photographed by Ravi. I think she is going to go places in Bollywood as she does not have a south Indian look." Others who called her up from Chennai are IlayathalapathyVijay, his wife Sangeetha, Jyothika, Jayam Ravi, M.Raja, KS Ravikumar Kushboo, producer Mohan Natarajan, Brinda master and Harris Jayaraj.
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